A Very Disney Christmas


We had the absolute pleasure of visiting Epcot and the Magic Kingdom during the holidays. Just as you would expect with Disney, it was magical, and now that we live minutes from the parks we are able to visit whenever we have free time. There is, however, something innately and almost inexplicably special about Disney World during Christmastime.


We went to Epcot on Christmas Eve and while some might consider it the lesser of the Disney Parks, thrill-wise anyway, but we would happily disagree. If Disney does anything well (and they do), they are brilliant at creating an experience. For a few hours, you can confidently pretend you’re walking through the streets of Germany, or enjoying French pastries in a boulangerie. A favorite spot for us is The Rose and Crown Pub located in the U.K. area of the World Showcase. *That’s a huge plus about Epcot — unlike the other three Disney Parks, they serve alcohol!* At night we enjoyed Christmas Eve dinner at Cafe Marrakesh in Morocco, complete with falafel, hummus, lamb kebabs and belly dancers.





We, of course, saved the Magic Kingdom for Christmas day. When you visit any Disney park, especially during the holidays, you have to accept the fact that your day will include lots of waiting. The parks will be jam-packed, the attraction lines will be long (as well as the bathrooms) and the chances of people getting testy are high. You have to look at the bigger picture: you are in the happiest place on earth, so don’t forget to take in the experience. There is so much to do! The New Fantasyland expansion and the Starbucks addition on Main Street are just a couple of the newer treasures we experienced. We always love Splash Mountain, even in 60 degrees, and we always love The Haunted Mansion. Waiting in line for that is half the fun! Plus, the entire park is decorated beautifully. They even shoot out fake snow over Main Street.


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We can’t wait to have more Disney adventures — we’re even planning some photo shoots around the area. It’s such an inspiring place to be, it makes you feel like you can accomplish anything if you just work hard. We hope everyone had a fantastic holiday break, and that the new year brings you everything you want and need. Also, we hope those trapped in below freezing temperatures and entirely too much snow are staying safe and warm! Don’t forget to bring your animals inside! If you’re already over winter and forever dreaming about warmer weather, by all means check out our denim shorts on the website. Every pair is designed, customized and fitted just for you! We’re already planning for our spring/summer adventures, so be sure to stay tuned for more.

We’re Moving!

It’s no secret to those closest to us that moving to Florida has been a far-off dream of ours for years. We are Midwest people, born and bred, and the idea of living closer to warmth and sunshine and Disney World has been an exciting but always unattainable one. Well, finally, the day has come. In less than one week we are heading south to the sunshine state, just minutes from the Happiest Place on Earth!


As far as the business goes, there will not be any extreme changes — besides our P.O. box, which you will know as soon as we do. Our website remains fully functional (so feel free to shop away!) and we will continue to work as hard as ever. If anything, we know our relocation will inspire so much more business and creativity-wise. Orlando offers a world of culture and activities that the Midwest can lack, and we can’t wait to take advantage of them. We plan to be apart of more events, year-round, reaching more and more people. Of course, we won’t ever ignore our Midwest roots. Indianapolis is where our business began, where we started putting together the most basic aspects of a big idea, and we will forever be grateful for what you have helped us build over the last year. If you have any questions or concerns, or well wishes!, regarding our move, please don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments. We want you to be apart of our journey, every step of the way.

Sidenote: Sunday, December 15 is the last day to order from our website with guaranteed delivery by Christmas, and U.S. shipping is FREE until 2014! Be sure to take advantage!